Fee Schedule

We offer a discount that is automatically applied to your request!  Any time you request the preparation of multiple drafting orders in the same case we will discount the second and any subsequent orders by $100.  For instance, if you need both a defined benefit and define contribution QDRO in the same case, the total fee will be $900 ($500 for the first and $400 for the second).  In order to receive this discount, all same case QDRO requests must be submitted at the same time. Same case QDRO requests individually completed and submitted with payment will not receive the discount.  We do not offer a discount for the request of multiple present values.

general services
  • Expedite – Next Day $400/item

    Additional fee beyond regular cost of service.
  • Expedite – 3 Business Days $200/item

    Additional fee beyond regular cost of service.
  • Expert Testimony On Site $1,500

    All-inclusive preparation, travel (within Ohio), and appearence fee for expert witness on present value or QDRO issues. Date must be requested and retainer must be received in advance before witness can be guaranteed. An additional fee of $250 may be charged for short notice, at the discretion of the expert.
Order Drafting Services
  • QDRO $500/item

    Guaranteed through approval - no additional fee if our QDRO is rejected.
  • Pre-Approval free

  • Court Order Acceptable for Processing
    (CSRS, FERS & TSP)

  • Military Court Orders (Active or Reserve) $700

  • Railroad Tier II Court Orders $500

  • Division of Property Order (Ohio Only) $500

Present Value services
  • Present Value for Defined Benefit Plans $350

    Provides the current value of the accrued pension at the normal retirement age.
  • Passive Growth Analysis on Defined
    Contribution Plans
    Starts at $750

    Tracing the passive growth of separate property brought into defined contribution plans. Please note: For complex plans that will take longer than usual, we will contact you with an additional cost estimate.


For additional services, please see our full fee schedule.